Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Current Mood

Remember how Xanga used to have "current mood" and "listening to" or "currently watching," etc.? Well, right now I am watching Jurassic Park. I remember my dad reading this book out loud me. I remember getting to watch the movie in theaters even though I wasn't 13. I remember going as a very realistic dinosaur that Halloween. I could keep listing all of the positive memories I have of this movie, because they are numerous.

But instead I'll tell you about the adventurous job interview I had today. Thankfully, I decided to leave early for Chapel Hill, because there were a few setbacks. First I typed in the address on TomTom only to discover the street wasn't recognized by the GPS (thank goodness I checked before I got on the road). So I went in and wrote down the directions, then made it to the first gas station outside of town to discover I had left my purse at the apartment when returning for directions (thank goodness I stopped at the first gas station instead of one an hour down the road). So then I had to drive the 15 minutes back to Apt. E, then stopped at a different gas station further down the road, only to stop in a stall with no toilet paper. But I made it!

In the meantime, partly trying to find a job, but mostly the music from Jurassic Park makes me really want to do something big in life. Either that, or live in Universal Studios and ride the JP ride everyday. LA or Orlando, I don't even care.

ADDITION: Jurassic Park derives about .1% of the conflict from romantic tension. That's amazing and wonderful. It's nice to have a movie where the two lead characters are in a happy relationship the whole movie.

SECOND ADDITION: My dad just emailed me this fun YouTube video about mistakes in the movie. Because as much as I love the movie, I also love finding mistakes in movies. Who doesn't?

1 comment:

Tom Frase said...

I remember that! Roooaaarr!