Monday, June 27, 2011


omg. The Serpentarium. These are not fake animals.

Dad, Tim, and I went this Saturday. I had read a fabulous essay about the place, but had never ventured down. What a mistake! We went an hour before feeding time (which happens every Saturday), so we stuck around to see several snakes get fed. I kid you not, we witnessed a python eat a rabbit, and two snakes (including the yellow dude up above) get in a fight when the yellow one tried to steal a rat from another snake.  The feeder literally got into the cage, grabbed their heads, and pulled them apart (they both had their mouth on the rat). WILD. But I'll spare you the graphic pictures.

Also, we saw two snakes yawn and one rattler seriously rattle its tail. And the owner of the place? Practically the worlds leading expert on bushmasters. Incredible.

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