Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love riding my bike for many reasons, but perhaps at the top of the list is the amazing offers grocery stores seem to offer when I ride my bike to go shopping, and thus only have one handy bicycle grocery bag in which to bring back food. It's like they know I can only bring back so much and rub it in my face.

Like today. I needed to buy 2 bags of cheese, and Harris Teeter happened to be having a "buy two bags, get three bags free" deal. Who has ever heard of this? Of course, I had to have room for 5 bags instead of 3.

Or, for the first time ever, pretzel M&Ms! Their debut in the world happens in correspondence to my biking!

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, Harris Teeter had ORVILLE'S LIME AND SALT POPCORN. This, my friends, is an issue close to my heart. I stumbled into this popcorn by accident (I won it as a prize), and proceeded to become obsessed. I could only find it at Wal-Mart, and when Wal-Mart stopped carrying it, I seriously considered driving 45 minutes to the closest Wal-Mart that did have it (because I looked online, thinking I could order it from there). Imagine my distress when I found out it had been DISCONTINUED.

So, I did what any writer in a rage does: I wrote a letter. I tried to share Orville's personal response with you, but apparently blogger doesn't let you copy and paste? Is this true blogger?

Anyway, I would have bought out the store, but alas, I was on my bike, and had to settle with 4 boxes.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

You have to update your version of blogger- I faced the same issue last week. Go to your settings and update your global settings (or something like that)