Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday Night Shannigans

At Bible study last night the host's dog started barking outside and wouldn't stop. Kyle, the homeowner, went out to see what was going on, and Lauren, the other homeowner, explained that, while they loved their neighborhood, the house across the street was a sketchy situation. After a few domestic disturbance events, some of the car window's in the sketchy house's driveway had been busted in yesterday. But the only thing anyone could see was that one of the guys was outside smoking, and Bible study finished as normal.

Tim and I get into our car, parked in the street across from their driveway, and drove away. Tim thought one of the back windows was down because there was a faint noise of air. We pulled into a parking lot and checked it out. Our back driver's side back door had been completely smashed in. A large white car had obviously backed into it. There wasn't a streetlight and we just hadn't seen it.

We went back to Kyle and Lauren's to file a police report. The police officer was an A+ guy. There's more to the story that I don't think I should say, but while we're 97% sure about what car did it, there's nothing we can do if we don't have proof: a smashed bumper with some red paint. So hopefully that will come, as it might make dealing with the insurance a little easier. Whatever the case, there's a lot to be thankful for in this situation, even though before the event I was already feeling maxed out on what I could handle. Some times in life are just like that! But don't worry....we bought Just Dance 2 with bonus points from Best Buy, so we'll relieve all further stress by dancing it out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine to Titus (my bike)

I don't understand
you, but you make me feel so
fit, chic, green. Young love.

On that note, why do people hate Valentine's day? Sure, it's a consumer holiday, but is society telling you to spread love such a bad thing? Single Awareness Day is for the birds (or something less cute than birds). People should exchange Valentine's Day cards every month. In fact, if you want a monthly Valentine, let me know.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine to the Internet

At what magnitude
do you start feeling earthquakes?
You'll not let me down.

(tomorrow finishes a week of Valentines. I hope you all had a week full of your own lovely loves!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine to Coke Zero

Every day I wish
you were like water and I
could drink only you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine to my Valentine

You laughed with me when
I cried through Toy Story 3.
Now that's supportive.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine to my Word Processor

Today I think I'll
move this paragraph four times.
You let me do that.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine to Tim's Sports Teams

Rangers, Packers, Hogs:
That'll do, teams. That'll do.
Now rest and repeat.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine to my Phone Battery

Labeled "eco," so
your battery lasts a week.
My love goes longer.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Congratulations, Packers!

Last night Tim and I donned all of our Green Bay gear (tee-shirts, zip hoodies, and the cheese-head, which we took turns wearing) and went to two different parties, both with spectacular food and company.

And the game. What a game! We both had headaches at the end of the night. I don't think our bodies could handle all of the tension. Some things are easier when it's not your team playing. It's a good thing such large things happen only once a year.

I tried to convince people to root for Green Bay by pointing out the Steeler's personal flaws, which I feel bad about now. But seriously, people, in case you missed it, Tim went to Green Bay and saw them play this year! He saw the super bowl champions in their full form!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy year of the rabbit!

My students didn't show up to class today (understandable, it's a public holiday in Korea). If they had, we would have made some fortunes for fake fortune cookies.

Have any you would like to share?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello There World

It feels a little self-righteous to announce my presence back in the blogger world, especially since I haven't really been gone. It's just that it's been so COLD here that I try to avoid going outside, which means my life is pretty boring. Perhaps people in Fayetteville are rolling their eyes right now, but it's snowed three whole times in Wilmington, which is exactly two too many times for my tastes.

But in the meantime, some of my finer accomplishments (because if announcing your return wasn't too self-absorbed, listing favorite accomplishments is totally normal, well-adjusted behavior):

I turned in my thesis (I feel horrible about it, if you're curious, but I still have a good month to fix things up.)

I navigated from Chapel Hill to Durham all by myself with ONLY A MAP. Both of my parents, who know my abilities and limitations, insisted I personally could fix the fuse that is causing TomTom not to charge in my car, but doing that would have required finding a car service shop to buy the fuse in Chapel Hill, which is impossible with my lacking skills of navigation. Which is why finding Duke's campus and downtown Durham is worth celebrating.

I changed two bike tubes without completely holding my breath the whole time. Sometimes when I'm working on my bike, I wonder why I'm starting to feel dizzy, only to realize I've been holding my breath. But I'm working on it. Now I only hold my breath when I'm reattaching brakes.

I've come really close to identifying all of the birds at my feeders. I wish I could show you all of the birds that come. They're eating me out of house and home, but they only love me because of my food, and I'm desperate for an animal to love me, so I'll keep providing it. Plus, they're really cute.
(which reminds me, appropriate for this blog design: )

Tim's team is in the super bowl! Not my accomplishment, but notable.