Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wedding Season

Since the last post, I have attended three weddings in three different states. And since today is my third anniversary, let me give three reasons I love weddings.

1) Meeting the family. In this day and age, people don't live close by their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. I love watching the families my friends came from and seeing the personality genes they can't outrun. If it's a family member's wedding, well then, I just like being around my family.

2) Dressing up. I love dressing up for a good occasion. I'm very thankful we live in a more casual society than our grandparents did, but I sometimes miss seeing people in their Sunday Best (which now is usually jeans and a polo shirt. Unless you go to a church for old souls, which we did in Wilmington. We were the casual people because Tim did not wear a tie and I did not wear a suit jacket.). I think I'm going to start hosting formal dinners where we will eat hamburgers in heels.

3) Cutting loose. I love to dance, but I'm not very good at it. Yet I feel that at weddings all the dancing is supposed to be bad anyways, so you might as well hop your heart out to "Cotton Eyed Joe." When weddings don't have dancing, it's still a blast because there is more conversation and it's so easy to tell everyone how happy you are to be there, how much you love everyone and the world, and it's all true. Usually abundantly saying such sentimental things in normal conversations comes across as cheesy, but at a wedding, cut loose and let them fly.

Of course, there are deeper reasons I love weddings, and I didn't even mention wedding cake, which is one of my top loves in life. I know a lot of my generation doesn't see the point in marriage, which makes me  sad (and not because I don't get to come to the reception).

Also, I barely took any pictures at these weddings I went to. At the last one, I didn't take a single picture all weekend. I think I go through picture taking mood-swings.

1 comment:

Ashton said...

I know what you mean both about dressing up and picture taking moods! By the way, I completely love your eating hamburger while dressed up idea!