Tuesday, June 30, 2009


If you want to know what's going on in our world, this might sum it up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

While running the dog today, I saw a lady open the door wearing a towel.

I thought that type of thing only happened in the movies. And at night.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yesterday, I was an extra for the show One Tree Hill. I'm hardly familiar with this show, but it's on it's 7th season, and is filmed in Wilmington. Tim, a friend and I signed up to be extras earlier in the spring, and I guess Tim is the most charismatic on paper, because they often call him to come extra. But, I'm the one that didn't have to work on Friday, so I'm the one that ended up going.

The scene was about a 30 second monologue that one of the new characters to the show (to replace the 2 main stars that left last season) gives to a college sports management class (think typical big lecture). It was the actor's (Robert Buckley) first day ever filming on the One Tree Hill set, and the thing was, although this actor has been in many other things (I looked him up), he was really nervous. I could see his hand shaking at times, and after the first few run throughs, he kept announcing, "Oh man, they're going to fire me. I'm so fired. They're thinking right now, 'his audition tape is so much better that this is.'" But, after going through it about 40 times, all of that was over, and the whole time he was extremely nice to the audience of extras.

Like I said, I know nothing about OTH, so I kept having to ask other extras who were the actors and who were the film crew. The people that come to be extras are an interesting group. There were those like me who just wanted the experience of being an extra, and knew very little about the show. Then, there were the avid fans, who were only in Wilmington to be on the show. There were DJs and partiers, who were just trying to get people to come to their party afterwords (I don't know if they realized that in a group of college students, not that many people are over 21). Then there were people trying to break into the business. The person that signed the extras in picked one girl to come be an extra for some scene that requires fashion experts. You can imagine how beautiful this extra was.

Mostly, it was a bunch of waiting, and getting paid to read Harry Potter It took about 3 hours to get this thirty second clip. I was originally in the third row, but I have continually proven not to have charisma, and got moved to about the 15th row. Next time, maybe Tim can come with me and maybe then we'll get a speaking part. Or at least, he will.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

You know you eat too much pizza when the owner of the pizza store across the street from Coastal Cupcakes offers you a job working the hours you don't work at Coastal Cupcakes.

What can I say, I love pizza pie.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Did you know that Zac Efron is moviestar by day, superhero by night?

Or that sometimes superheros like to hang out at The Chill Lounge?

These are the types of things the audience learned at the red carpet event, Superhero movie premiers, in which the third graders I worked with this past year made movies out of the superhero stories we wrote together. That's what you call the good stuff.

(I actually had very little to do with the actual movie-making, so it just shows you how amazing elementary school teachers are, and exactly how behind-the-scenes script-writers really are.)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I ride my bike to work to help burn off the calories I consume eating cupcakes, and also to save money as to park downtown costs a dollar an hour. But on Thursday, as I approached my bike parked conveniently at the library bike rack a street over, I noticed a completely flat front tire, and had to call Tim to come get me, as company was due at our house in an hour.

So, fast forward two days, I come back today to deal with the bike, and it's gone. Stolen.

You have to admire the criminal somewhat, because he/she either had to
1) saw through my chain, or
2) figure out my number combination.

Also, he/she had to walk the bike away from the crime scene, because it had a dadgumed flat tire.

This makes this thief a better criminal than the other Wilmington thief we've encountered, which stole the Coldplay CD from under the mailbox (where the silly mailman left it), but left the envelope it had been mailed in as evidence of the stolen CD.