Monday, March 29, 2010

GOALS, as written in my 4th grade diary:

Be in a movie
Publish a book
Win something
Be a fair/great rider (I'll clarify: of horses)
Meet Madeline L'Engle

(I'm so glad I kept the combination key stickered to the back of my journal. So much for having a lock.)


Allison said...

I think I can testify to your completion of at least two of these goals. 1) You have starred in quite a number of movies-- "Cheez It" among the best of them, and 2) you won the sandcastle contest and got a gift card to the Home of the Throwed Rolls as a result.

Allison said...

You're right! And the sand castle contest was even based on talent! I think that should double qualify...none of this "randomly enter" business.